Note: Your request will be directed to LPKF Laser & Electronics North America
The ProtoLaser H4 from LPKF Laser & Electronics North America is a PCB Prototyping Equipment that performs mechanical drilling & milling and laser surface processing. It can accommodate PCB sizes of up to 310 x 230 x 8 mm and also supports thick substrates including multilayer boards with a minimum drill diameter of 0.2 mm. This equipment has a milling spindle with a speed of up to 1000000 rpm and supports 14 different tool positions. It has a 25-400 kHz Class 1 laser that has a wavelength of 1064 nm, a laser beam diameter of 25 μm, and a laser power of up to 20 W. This machine has a structuring speed of 14 cm2/min and a positioning accuracy of ± 10 μm. It can process standard single and double-sided FR4 materials, some single-sided RF, PTFE, or ceramic-filled materials as well as certain flex substrates like Al on PET with 100 μm/30 μm line/space. The equipment has a vacuum table that allows flexible materials and foils to be freely positioned and fixed precisely.
The ProtoLaser H4 requires an AC supply of 115-230 V and consumes 500 W of power. It is available as a compact tabletop unit that measures 725 x 665 x 840 mm.
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