Note: Your request will be directed to GrandSeed (Hong Kong) International Co.,Ltd
The GSD-H812 from GrandSeed (Hong Kong) International is a Multi-Functional Pick-and-Place Machine that has 12 suction heads. It operates using fixed photography and aerial photography positioning methods. This machine has a mounting speed of 45000 CPH and an installation accuracy of ± 50 µm. It has 96 8 mm feeders and can handle PCB sizes from 50 x 50 mm to 320 x 1200 mm with a PCB thickness of 0.38 to 4.8 mm. This equipment supports component sizes ranging from 0201 to 20 x 20 mm. It requires an AC supply of 380 V consuming 4.5 KW of power and has a footprint of 1850 x 1430 x1550 mm.
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