Note: Your request will be directed to Viscom AG
The iX7059 from Viscom AG is a 3D X-ray Inspection Equipment that performs fully automated 3D X-ray inspection with integrated computer tomography using powerful radiographic technology. It uses sealed microfocus X-ray tube technology and produces an X-ray voltage of 130 kV and an X-ray tube current of 500 μA. This equipment has an FPD (flat-panel detector) image detector type with a 14-bit grayscale depth and a resolution of 9.5 to 25 µm/Pixel. It can inspect precise solder joint inspection on IGBT modules and SiC chips to protect against overheating and performs intelligent void checks with measurement of the air inclusions for flawless heat dissipation. This machine has an inspection area of up to 1000 mm x 660 mm and can inspect damaged, twisted, missing, and incorrect components, THT solder joints, and concealed blow holes (voids) in surface soldering. It requires an AC supply of 400V and has a footprint of 1493 x 1654 x 2207 mm.
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