Note: Your request will be directed to Anda Automation
The UL-460W manufactured by Anda Automation is a Flipper and Invertor module with a conveyor height of 900 (±20) mm. It inverts boards using a pneumatic mechanism for dual-sided applications, allowing the board assembly to either proceed to the next work cell or return to the original workstation in a bi-directional mode. This module has a steel frame construction, pin-chain edge conveyor, pneumatic board handling inverter, four-inch top and bottom side component clearance, LCD front panel display with touchscreen, circuit board flip and return or pass-through mode, trouble alarm with sound, light tower indicator, and menu display. It is controlled by a PLC with a touchscreen where printed circuit boards move from left to right. The UL-460W has overall dimensions of L 700 x 1060 x 1520 mm and requires an AC supply of 220 V.
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