Solder Paste Mixers

30 Solder Paste Mixers from 22 manufacturers listed on PCB-Directory

Solder paste mixers from the leading manufacturers are listed below. View product specs, download the spec sheet and get quotes on products that meet your requirement.

What is a Solder Paste Mixer?

Solder paste is usually stored in a refrigerator when kept over a long period of time. Refrigeration ensures that the solder paste maintains its properties for a longer period of time and thereby increase the shelf life of solder. However, when the solder paste needs to be used, we can not just use it straight out of the tub. When stored, the viscosity of the solder paste can change as solder particles with a high specific gravity settle at the bottom of the jar. To ensure consistent viscosity, the solder paste needs to be mixed.

Solder paste can be mixed using a Solder paste mixer. Solder paste is placed inside a jar and put into the solder paste mixing machine. The machine rotates the jar in a way that results in deaeration and mixing of solder at the same time. The solder particles settled at the bottom of the jar due to their high specific gravity are uniformly dispersed, and the paste returns to its original consistent viscosity form. In addition, the machine also eliminates the fine air bubbles that can cause solder ball scattering. 

Key Specification of solder paste mixing equipment:

Deaeration time: It is the time required for the deaeration of solder paste by the machine. Deaeration is the process of removing air bubbles in the solder paste. The deaeration time usually varies from 0.1 to 9.9 seconds.

Mixing Time: It is the maximum time required by the machine to complete the mixing of solder paste.

Mixing Angle: It is the angle of the solder paste jar placed into the machine with respect to the X-axis, and is represented in degrees. Usually, the mixing angle is 45 degrees.

Revolution Speed: It is the speed of the jar rotating itself with respect to its own axis, and is represented in RPM.

Rotating Speed: It is the rotating speed of the container in the machine and is represented in RPM.

Working Capacity: It represents how much weight the machine can handle. For example, a machine can have a working capacity of 500 g x 2 pots i.e can hold 2 jars with 500 gms of solder at a time.

Jar Diameter: It represents the maximum diameter of the jar in which the solder is held.

PCB Directory has listed Solder Paste Mixing Equipment from the leading manufacturers in the industry and made it easy for users to find Solder Paste Mixers based on their requirement. Users can specify the rotating speed and other parameters to find equipment that meets their requirement. They can then view mixer specifications, download spec sheets and get a quote. Quotes requested via PCB Directory are routed to manufacturer of the solder paste mixer.

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