Solder Paste Dispensers

101 Solder Paste Dispensers from 24 manufacturers listed on PCB-Directory

A list of PCB Solder paste dispensers from the leading manufacturers is listed in PCB Directory. Narrow down on Solder paste dispensers based on your requirements. Download spec sheets, view product details and request quotes on relevant products.

What is a Solder Paste Dispenser? 

A solder paste dispenser is a computerized machine that applies solder paste dots of solder paste on a PCB where the SMD components are going to be placed. This machine applies dots of solder on the board using a nozzle located on the head of the dispensing system that can move above the PCB. The movement of the nozzle above the PCB surface and accurate placement of glue with the required volume and height are controlled by the computer. The volume and height of the glue depend upon the size of the components. 

Advanced dispensers may also have programmable parameters or vision systems to optimize dispensing for components of different sizes and solder requirements. The ability to meet the requirements of multiple use cases makes these machines for accurate soldering processes. 

 Key parameters of Solder Paste Dispenser 

  • Dispensing valve: It indicates the type of valve system used in the machine. The dispensing valves are Time/pressure valve, Archimedean screw valve, Volume Dispenser valve, Jet valve, Pneumatic-Jet valve, or piston-type valve. 
  • Speed: It represents how quickly dots of solder can be applied on a board. It is usually represented in dots/hour or dots/min. 
  • Dispensing speed: It is the measure of how much time it takes to apply a single dot of solder. 
  • Maximum dispense area: This is the maximum size of a PCB that can be handled by the machine. 
  • Placement accuracy: It is a measure of how accurately the dot of solder is placed on the board. It is usually signified in ± X micron. 

PCB Directory has listed PCB solder paste dispensers from the leading manufacturers in the industry and made it easy for users to find these machines based on their requirements. You can specify the speed to find equipment that meets your requirements. You can also view machine specifications, download the spec sheet, and get a quote. Quotes requested are routed to the manufacturers.

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Solder Paste Dispenser Manufacturers
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