GÖPEL Electronic Achieves ISO Certification, Marking a Leap Towards Environmental Responsibility

GÖPEL Electronic Achieves ISO Certification, Marking a Leap Towards Environmental Responsibility712370

Having been responsibly committed to a clean environment for many years, GÖPEL Electronic GmbH has taken an important step towards greater climate protection by obtaining its initial DIN EN ISO 14001:2015 certification.

"A significant milestone was the establishment of our internal environmental management team, which coordinated and refined existing and new measures, ideas, and requirements. We set up our environmental management system smoothly and with the highest level of commitment to successfully achieve the certification's objectives," says Elisa Richter, Environmental Management Manager at GÖPEL Electronic. "The clearly defined targets for improving environmental performance and the regular review of targets are key aspects of this globally recognized standard that we want to meet. We are committed to acting in an environmentally friendly and resource-conserving manner in all our business activities, products, and services," she adds.

Specific courses of action have been identified, evaluated, and implemented to promote environmental protection within the company. For example, a climate control system has been integrated for several years, which has been cooling production and office spaces with cold groundwater since 2009. In addition, GÖPEL electronic obtains all its electricity from renewable energy sources.

Another outstanding aspect is the holistic realization of all processes at a single location. The entire process, from development to production and sales, takes place within the company. In addition, GÖPEL Electronic has been operating its milling center on-site since 2009 to meet the high demand for milled parts and to maximize flexibility in production planning with the shortest possible delivery routes.

Short transport routes are another key to minimizing our CO2 footprint. Around 90 percent of all components and assemblies come from the Thuringia, Saxony, and Saxony-Anhalt regions. Another important goal is to minimize the amount of packaging material as much as possible. Already today, we are actively focussing on the reuse of materials from suppliers, which greatly reduces the need for additional packaging. Furthermore, environmentally friendly returnable containers from suppliers are favored to achieve sustainability goals.

"The measures that have been implemented thus far, along with the planned additional initiatives, signify our strong dedication to assuming responsibility for our impact on the environment and society," emphasizes Richter. "Climate protection and sustainability are close to our hearts, and we must support our dedicated employees. At the same time, we will increasingly support our partners and customers in making their contribution to a better environment," she adds.

Click here to know more about GÖPEL Electronics, and more such initiatives.

Publisher: PCB Directory
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