PCB West 2023 Announced to be Held from September 19 to 22, 2023

PCB West 2023 Announced to be Held from September 19 to 22, 2023712370

PCB West 2023, the premier conference and exhibition for printed circuit board design, fabrication, and assembly, is set to take place from September 19 to 22, 2023. Held at the renowned Santa Clara Convention Center in the heart of Silicon Valley, this annual event has been a hub of innovation and knowledge exchange for over three decades. With its comprehensive training sessions, industry-leading experts, and an impressive lineup of exhibitors, PCB West 2023 promises to be a must-attend event for professionals in the electronics supply chain.

Drawing over 2,000 attendees and featuring more than 100 exhibiting companies, PCB West brings together designers, engineers, fabricators, assemblers, and industry experts from across the globe. This event provides a unique platform for professionals to connect, network, and exchange ideas. By fostering collaborations and building relationships, attendees gain valuable insights into the latest trends and advancements in the field.

At PCB West 2023, participants can expect real, practical, and in-depth training from top industry experts. The conference offers a diverse range of sessions, covering topics ranging from high-reliability military/aerospace applications to cutting-edge IoT and wearables. These informative sessions provide attendees with the opportunity to enhance their skills, expand their knowledge, and stay abreast of the ever-evolving world of PCB design, fabrication, and assembly.

The exhibition at PCB West 2023 offers a chance to explore the latest innovations in the electronics supply chain. Attendees can engage with leading suppliers, chat about state-of-the-art software, services, and products, and witness firsthand the advancements shaping the industry. The free virtual exhibition allows for seamless interaction, making it easier than ever to discover groundbreaking solutions and forge valuable partnerships.

PCB West has earned high praise from attendees, highlighting its value as a premier event in the industry. Ben Jordan, an engineer at Jordan DSP LLC, expressed his excitement about the conference and said "PCB West was fantastic and it was encouraging to see so many people there. Attendance levels are up and it looked like more people were there than even before Covid. I am excited to see how PCB West and PCB East grow in the future. For all my friends and colleagues, if you're serious about PCB design, want to grow your skills and learn the latest, or want to move into a career as a professional PCB designer or "full stack" hardware engineer, then you need to get to these events. They pay for themselves immediately with what you will learn, as well as the connections and opportunities you will make by attending."

Josh Dornseifer, an engineer at Nexteer, also shared his positive experience at PCB West 2023, "Thank you so much for putting on a great conference. It was extremely informative with many great sessions and exhibitors. This was the first technical conference I've attended in my career so I wasn't quite sure what to expect, but last week definitely exceeded my expectations. I'm excited to be able to take some great information and learning back to my organization." 

Stephen Chavez, chairman of the PCEA and an esteemed professional from MIT, commended PCB West 2023 as one of the best conferences he had attended. "This was one of, if not the best, PCB West conferences I have ever attended. The industry buzz and PCEA euphoria was everywhere."

PCB West 2023 is poised to be the largest conference and exhibition for printed circuit board design, fabrication, and assembly in Silicon Valley. With its extensive training sessions, renowned industry experts, and cutting-edge exhibitions, this event is a catalyst for professional growth, fostering collaboration and driving innovation in the electronics supply chain. By attending PCB West 2023, participants gain invaluable knowledge, expand their network, and explore the latest advancements shaping the future of PCB design.

Click here to learn more about the PCB West 2023 event.

Click here to register for the event.

Publisher: PCB Directory
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