PCB Loading & Unloading Equipment

907 Loader/Unloader from 51 manufacturers listed on PCB-Directory

PCB Loading & Unloading Equipment from the leading manufacturers is listed here. View product information, download spec sheets and request quotes on relevant products.

What is PCB Loading and Unloading Equipment?

A PCB loader is an automatic machine designed for pushing the PCBs out of a magazine on to a conveyor belt for delivery to a machine in the PCB production assembly line. There are two types of PCB loaders - Single magazine loader and multi-magazine loader. The single magazine loader can handle one magazine at a time and is suitable for low volume applications. The multi- magazine loader can handle multiple magazines at a time. Hence it is suitable for large volume applications.

A PCB unloader is an automatic machine designed for unloading the PCBs. Here, an arriving PCB is picked up by the attached conveyor and then pushed into the magazine by a specially designed pusher equipped with the conveyor. Now, the loaded magazine is now ready for the following unloading cycle.

PCB unloaders available are available in two types. They are single magazine unloader and multi-magazine unloader. The single magazine unloader can handle one magazine at a time and is suitable for low volume applications. The multi- magazine unloader can handle multiple magazines at a time. Hence it is suitable for large volume applications.

Key Specs of PCB Loading and Unloading Machines:

Conveyor direction: Represents the direction of conveyor movement.

PCB size: Represents the minimum and maximum PCB size that can be handled by the PCB loader/unloader.

Conveyor height: Represents the height of the conveyor from the ground floor. It is measured in mm.

Air supply: It Represents the pressure of supplied air and is represented in Bar. Usually, the supplied air pressure range is 4-6 Bar.

Max. weight loading: Represents the maximum weight that can be handled by the machine. It is represented in Kg.

Control: Usually in PLC (Program logic control).

PCB Directory has listed PCB loading and unloading equipment from the leading manufacturers in the industry and made it easy for users to find these machines based on their requirement. Users can view equipment specifications, download spec sheets and get quotes. Quotes requested are routed to the manufacturer of the PCB loading or unloading device.


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