Note: Your request will be directed to Test Research, Inc
The TR8100H SII from Test Research, Inc. is an In-Circuit Tester that has 7056 analog test points. Its test hardware consists of a 6-wire measurement switching matrix, programmable AC/DC/DC high voltage and current sources, AC/DC voltage, DC measurement, frequency, component R/L/C measurement, synthesized arbitrary waveform generator, and TestJet vectorless open circuit detection. This vacuum-type in-circuit tester has a non-multiplexing 1:1 per-pin architecture with an independent per-pin level setting for digital testing along with an onboard Flash, EEPROM, and MAC programming. It has a built-in self-diagnostics function for long-term testing reliability. This in-circuit tester has a footprint of 1150 x 850 x 800 mm.
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