Adding a Manufacturer on the PCB Directory

PCB directory is the largest database of PCB manufacturers and fabricators on the Internet. Besides getting a quotation from multiple manufacturers and claiming a manufacturer on PCB directory, the most promiment step as a manufacturer is to add your company in the directory. To add a manufacturer, all you have do is to fill out some basic information about your company like company name, website, email, phone, country, state, city and other information followed by PCB Specs Support and PCB capabilities. Follow the steps down below:

1. Add a Manufacturer 

To begin, Click on "Add a Manufacturer" from the options on the tab menu or by clicking "ADD YOUR COMPANY TO THE DIRECTORY" at the bottom of the page. After clicking you will be taken to a page with related details to be filled, in order to first create a Profile for you as well as Your Company. This is a basic one time registration process to get you and your company listed on our website and to also allow us to either-wise verify a fake company or user. Please keep in mind to fill out all the details correctly including Your and Company name, email ids, web addresses, phone numbers, so as to help us verify your claims and records on a sooner basis. In the Password Section, enter a Password which you will be using to Log-in to your Profile/Company Profile, whenever necessary.


Once completed, Click on "REGISTER" to submit your details for verfication. You will then recieve a confirmation link on your registered email id regarding the same. Click on the link to validate your registered email id. 

2. User/Company Profile

Once you complete the Link Verification process, you will be directed to your User Profile page on the PCB Directory website. Here you can now manage/update related details about your User Profile. ex- Address, Phone Number, etc. To view your Company profile, Click on "Manage Your Company Profile" option at the side. 

Now you will be taken to your Company Profile which lists the complete details of your company and products. Here, you can add all the different parameters and product listings of your company. All of the data filled here automatically shows on the front-end of the website to the users visiting the website. Fill in all the details (ex. company website, contact info, social media profiles, small description) correctly so as to provide maximum visibilty for your company on the wesite.

PCB Specs Support:  In this section you are required to add the different values of your company product listings available. The value you fill in the boxes will appear directly on the company profile on the website front-end. To add values, Click on the + button to add the related parameters. These also help to filter your company better, through search results on the website.

Example: In the box for PCB Configuration

Filter Value:

  • Double Sided Single Sided
  • Single Sided

In the Documents section, you can add different documents or images related to the company and products. To add a file, click on "Choose File" option and upload the file from your preffered destination. In the PCB Capabilities section, you can add additional attributes like Flex, Time, etc to provide more information about the company listings. Yo can also re-arrange the tabs according to your choice from the "Ordering of Tabs" section. 

Once completed, thoroughly check and verfiy all the information filled. After verfiying, just click on "Upate Company Profile" option at the bottom of the page.

When updated, you will be able to view the updated Company Profile on the website in the manufacturing directory as well as the View Company Profile option.


NOTE: All Company and User Profile listings are subject to verification and thus will be shown on the website only after approval.

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