How to claim a manufacturer on PCB Directory

PCB directory is the largest database of PCB manufacturers and fabricators on the Internet. We have listed over 500 of the leading manufacturers to our directory and are working on adding more everyday. If you are a PCB Manufacturer whose profile has already been added to the directory, you can claim it and take control of your profile on We have added some basic information about each company, once you claim your profile, you have the option to add in details about your capabilities, your certifications and much more. In case you are a manufacturer who is not listed in the direcoty, dont worry, you can add your company to the directory - Click here to learn how to add your company.The steps below tell you how to claim an existing listing on PCB Directory.

Step 1: Check if your company is listed in the Directory

Use the search bar on top to search for your company. There is a suggestive search option, so you will be able to see you company as you type i.e if we have added it to the directory. Click on your company in the search results.

In case, your company does not exist in the directory, you can add your company here.

Step 2: Claim your company

Once you click on your company name in the search box. You will be taken to the profile page for your company. If the profile is not already claimed by you or someone else from your company, you will see a link below the Review This Manufacturer button that says, "Claim This Manufacturer".

Step 3: Fill the form

On clicking on "Claim this Manufacturer" - You will be required to fill out a form with your contact information. The information you provide here, will enable us to verify that you actually own or work at the company your are trying to claim. So please fill this information accurately. In the email field, please use your company email address, as this will make it easier for us to know that you actually work at the company. Once you have filled out the form, click on Submit. This information will be sent to our verification team who will get in touch with you to verify your profile.


Step 4: Verification

A member from our team will send you an email or give you a call to verify your account. Once your account is verified, you will recieve an email with an activation link from the PCB directory, which will provide you with link where you can log in and control your profile on PCB Directory. You will now be able to add and update your profile on the site.

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