PCB Depaneling Equipment from the leading manufacturers is listed below. Narrow down on what you need by using the filters on the left side.
What is PCB Depanelling Equipment?
Size standardized panels are used by the PCB manufacturers to ease the production process. It helps them to process multiple boards at one go. After completion of the process, these PCBs need to be removed from the panel. Multiple solutions exist for PCB removal, like punching, V-scoring, wheel cutting, routing, and laser depanelling.
PCB Depanelling Equipment is used to separate PCB boards with a pre-defined dimension from the panel. A good depanelling machine must minimizes the mechanical stress while isolating the PCBs accurately and smoothly without any damage on the surface or assembled parts and components. There are two methods of laser cutting when it comes to PCB board depaneling. CO2 lasers, which operate at high energy levels and produce a very hot cut. The second method is UV laser systems that require less power than the CO2 method.
Key Specifications
PCB Directory has listed PCB Depanelling Equipment from the leading manufacturers. Narrow down on the products based on their capabilities or by location of the manufacturer. Once you find products that meet your requirement, you can compare products, view details specs, download spec sheets or datasheets and then request a quote for the products.
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