Metal-Core PCB Manufacturers & Fabricators

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What are Metal Core Printed Circuit Boards?

Metal Core PCB's are printed circuit boards that use a metal core as its base material so as to spread the heat all over the circuit board. Such PCB’s have the ability to spread heat to a much wider area away from the sensitive electrical components. Examples of Metal core PCB are Copper core PCBs, Aluminum Core PCBs etc. 

Properties of Metal Core PCB's

  • The core base material of PCB is made up of high thermally conducting metals such as copper and aluminum or alloys such as stainless steel.
  • They have good heat transferring and dissipating capability.
  • For alloys, they are more rigid than the individual metal from which they are made from.
  • If they are integrated with a certain dielectric materials, the PCB substrate becomes a perfect combination of electrical insulation and high thermal conduction.

Advantages of Metal Core PCB's

  • Heat emission poses a big problem for double layered or even multiple layered PCB due to their non-conducting substrate. The heat is difficult to escape and the board might start malfunctioning due to very high temperature. Therefore, Aluminum, which is excellent heat conductor is used as a base material for designing a MCPCB.  
  • Metal Core PCB’s are highly durable and reliable sources of electrical connections as they can deal high problems of heat and problems of thermal expansion and contraction.
  • Lightweight metals such as Aluminum and Copper are used to make the base material which makes it both light weight and environment friendly.    
  • They have the ability to integrate a dielectric polymer with a material having high thermal conductivity.

Applications of Metal Core PCB's

  • MCPCB’s are most widely used in the electronics and computers industry for high thermal conductivity.
  • Different metals are used for different applications, such as copper which is highly conducting material but is expensive, on the hand, aluminum which is less efficient than copper but is cheaper than that. Therefore, as per the requirement, specific metal composition is used to provide the substrate material. 
  • They are used in DC-DC converters, voltage regulators, high density power conversions and switching regulators. 
  • They can also be used in audio devices such as pre-shield amplifiers, input-output, audio and power stations etc. 
  • At home, they are used in devices such as flat panel display, for motor control etc. 

How are Metal core PCB's different from types of PCB's?

  • Metal Core PCB’s have high thermal conductivities, unlike normal PCB’s which are thermally insulated. 
  • Metal Core PCB’s have comparatively high dimensional stability as compared to other PCB’s.
  • Metal Core PCB’s are comparatively more rigid and stiff as compared to other fiberglass PCB’s.

PCB Directory has listed the leading Metal-Core PCB fabricators and manufacturers and made them searchable through their location and capabilities. You can select the country or state to narrow down on local Metal-Core PCB manufacturers or companies that can develop your printed circuit boards who are close to where you are located. In addition to this, you can also select the capabilities that you are looking for in a PCB vendor, like - Number of Layers, Type of Board, board thickness etc. - We narrow down the list to show you the companies who can cater to your requirement.



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