Note: Your request will be directed to Universal Instruments Corporation
The Omni Inserter from Universal Instruments Corporation is a Pick and Place Machine that uses a single-gantry linear motor positioning system and 4 insertion heads to insert axial, radial, and other odd-form components. It has an insertion rate of 1.35 seconds/pc and a throughput of 2600 cph with an insertion accuracy of ±50 μm. This machine can accommodate PCB dimensions of 100 x 50 mm to 400 x 400 mm and a PCB thickness of 1.2-2.0 mm (bare board) & up to 10 mm (carrier). The Omni Inserter has a pneumatic gripper and vacuum nozzle to pick components of sizes up to 35 x 40 mm. The components are inspected and positioned for insertion simultaneously using an optimal path algorithm, shortening the cycle time. This machine has a fiducial camera and four ULC cameras that use AI and AOI vision algorithms. These algorithms enhance the image, reduce background interference, improve pin positioning, and reduce the reject rate to less than 1%. It also uses a best-fit algorithm that compensates for PCB positioning and component pin variations, increasing the insertion rate to over 99.5%. This equipment has high-force & programmable insertion modes, detects current changes, and monitors insertion force to ensure insertion quality. The Omni Inserter has 6 feeder inputs and supports a portfolio of standard feeders to cover a wide range of components for on-the-fly replenishment. It supports CAD data import and board shuffle mode in a conveyor belt configuration.
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