Best Practices in New Product Development: A Three-Phase, QA-Integrated Approach with a Focus on Communication

PCB Design 

Allen Nejah - SunMan Engineering Inc.

Sep 24, 2024

Product development is a multi-disciplinary effort that relies not only on technical expertise but also on effective communication. Daily meetings and continuous interactions are crucial to ensuring that every team member remains aligned, challenges are addressed promptly, and progress is made smoothly. This article outlines best practices for product development across three phases, with a particular focus on communication and quality assurance (QA) at each stage.

Phase One: Planning and Feasibility

This phase focuses on defining the product vision, technical scope, and feasibility. Effective communication plays a critical role in ensuring that each task is understood and aligned with the project's goals.

1. Creating the PRD (Product Requirements Document)

  • Task: Conduct detailed investigations and stakeholder interviews to gather system requirements. Daily communication is essential at this stage to ensure that all stakeholders (both technical and non-technical) are involved in shaping the PRD.
  • Communication: Daily check-ins with key stakeholders allow for the identification of gaps or misunderstandings early in the process. Regular email summaries and documented meeting notes should be shared with the team to track decisions.
  • QA: Verify that all input from stakeholders is reflected accurately in the PRD. The PRD should undergo multiple review cycles, where daily meetings are used to confirm that all changes are agreed upon by stakeholders.

2. System and Technology Feasibility

  • Task: Investigate the technical feasibility of the proposed solution, which includes researching technologies and assessing integration challenges.
  • Communication: Daily brainstorming sessions with engineers and technology experts help evaluate potential solutions. These meetings should include cross-functional teams to ensure that all aspects (e.g., electrical, mechanical, software) are considered.
  • QA: Conduct frequent reviews to ensure that all potential risks are being addressed. Every meeting should have a set agenda focused on decision points, with daily action items tracked to make sure the project stays on schedule.

3. System and Top-Level Architecture

  • Task: Define and finalize the system architecture, ensuring hardware and software compatibility.
  • Communication: Daily coordination between engineering teams ensures that all aspects of the architecture are in sync. Regular updates from each team should be shared in morning or end-of-day meetings to resolve potential design conflicts quickly.
  • QA: Conduct peer reviews in weekly meetings to ensure the architecture is progressing according to the PRD. Daily technical discussions should focus on aligning components to avoid integration issues later.

4. Team Selection and Education

  • Task: Assemble the development team and educate them about the product goals and system architecture.
  • Communication: Daily stand-ups and full-team meetings are essential in this phase. Regular interaction fosters team cohesion and ensures that everyone understands their role and responsibilities. During the project kick-off, conduct detailed sessions on the PRD and technical architecture.
  • QA: Regular check-ins should verify that team members are aligned with the project goals. Meeting notes and action items should be circulated daily to keep everyone on the same page.

5. Daily Project Meetings

  • Task: Establish daily meetings to keep the team aligned, address technical issues, and ensure smooth progress.
  • Communication: Daily meetings are key for tracking what was accomplished the previous day and setting goals for the current day. These can be stand-up meetings or more in-depth technical reviews, depending on the project phase.
  • QA: Use meeting minutes to track progress and issues raised. Daily meetings also ensure that all documentation, including technical reports, is up to date. Set a clear agenda and ensure that team leads follow up on all action items.
  • Documentation QA: Review logs from each meeting to ensure tasks are progressing on schedule. Use automated tools to track team performance and adjust plans accordingly.

Phase Two: Design and Prototyping

This phase transitions from high-level design to prototyping and requires even tighter communication to ensure that all components are integrated smoothly.

1. Mechanical Design and 3D Modeling

  • Task: Develop mechanical designs and test functionality using 3D models.
  • Communication: Daily sync-ups between mechanical engineers and other teams are essential. Regular discussions on component placement and design compatibility ensure alignment. A key part of daily communication should include sharing model simulations and test results.
  • QA: Use feedback from daily reviews to refine mechanical designs. Each day’s work should be reviewed to ensure that the design is moving forward without bottlenecks.

2. Electrical Schematic Design

  • Task: Capture electrical schematics, and define netlists and source components.
  • Communication: Daily coordination between the electrical engineering team and procurement is vital to ensure component availability and design alignment. Cross-functional discussions with firmware and mechanical teams help avoid integration issues later.
  • QA: Implement regular design reviews during daily stand-ups. Engineers should present updates on schematic progress, and QA engineers should check that design rule checks (DRCs) are met.

3. PCB Design and Layout

  • Task: Develop the PCB layout, focusing on signal integrity and component placement.
  • Communication: Daily reviews of the PCB layout with both mechanical and electrical teams help avoid conflicts such as incorrect sizing or component overlap. Communication between the layout team and firmware developers should ensure signal routing and design fit.
  • QA: Daily quality checks on the layout ensure proper routing and component placement. Tools like Altium Designer should be used to automate DRCs, and peer reviews should happen every few days to catch early design issues.

4. Prototyping and Component Testing

  • Task: Manufacture mechanical and electronic prototypes.
  • Communication: Daily updates on the prototyping process help address any issues as they arise. Regular collaboration between manufacturing, engineering, and QA ensures that all parts are tested thoroughly.
  • QA: Hold daily testing meetings where the team reviews test results and addresses issues. Prototyping progress should be reported in detail at each daily meeting to ensure alignment with the PRD.

5. Firmware Development and Testing

  • Task: Develop firmware to support communication and functionality.
  • Communication: Daily integration meetings between firmware and hardware teams ensure that development remains synchronized. Early testing should be discussed in daily meetings to identify bugs and miscommunications.
  • QA: Track daily firmware test results using automated testing frameworks. Communicate these results in team meetings to ensure bugs are addressed before the next iteration.

6. Integration and Testing

  • Task: Integrate mechanical, electrical, and software systems.
  • Communication: Integration should be closely coordinated in daily meetings. Each team must provide status updates and communicate any blockers immediately. Regular integration sprints and sync-ups should ensure smooth system operation.
  • QA: Review integration results daily and resolves issues in real-time. This includes hardware compatibility checks, firmware integration tests, and system-level evaluations.

Phase Three: Production Design and Adjustments

In this phase, communication becomes even more critical as the product is prepared for manufacturing. Coordination between production teams, suppliers, and engineers is key to maintaining quality.

1. Production Design Adjustments

  • Task: Finalize the design for manufacturing.
  • Communication: Daily meetings between design, manufacturing, and procurement teams ensure that any design changes are immediately communicated and implemented. Regular communication with suppliers ensures that components are available and meet specifications.
  • QA: Implement daily production design reviews to check for issues like manufacturability or supply chain delays. Meetings should include updates from production engineers, QA inspectors, and the design team to ensure alignment.

2. Final QA and Testing

  • Task: Perform rigorous final testing before mass production.
  • Communication: Daily communication between testing teams and engineers ensures that any issues identified during QA testing are addressed quickly. Use daily reports to track batch testing results and ensure consistent product quality.
  • QA: Implement batch-level QA testing protocols, with daily updates on defect rates and any necessary adjustments to the production process.


Effective communication is essential throughout the product development lifecycle, from the early planning stages to final production. By embedding daily meetings and cross-functional communication into each phase, teams can stay aligned, address issues promptly, and maintain a high level of quality assurance at every step.


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